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Hoy es el día de las elecciones primarias. Esto es lo que necesitas saber.

Several races from the March primary in Texas went to a runoff, meaning no candidate seeking their party’s nomination got more than 50% of the vote. So now, the top two candidates in those races are...

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El cuello oscurecido podría ser una señal de diabetes tipo 2. Pero los...

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Texas' push to outlaw gender-affirming care puts trans kids, families and...

Gender-affirming treatment has been called into question after Texas leadership branded it "child abuse." One Austin family crossed state lines to get their son treated.

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Texas oil and gas regulator Wayne Christian wins GOP nomination to seek...

In winning the GOP primary runoff election, Christian fended off a surprise challenge from West Texas-based attorney Sarah Stogner.

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The Pepsi Halftime Press Conference with Dr. Dre, Mary J. Blige and Snoop Dogg

On this edition of In Black America, producer/host John L. Hanson Jr. presents highlights from the Super Bowl LVI halftime show.

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Watch: Gov. Abbott, state leaders address Uvalde school shooting

The news conference will include Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, as well as Congressman Tony Gonzalez and state Rep. Tracy King.

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How Central Texas lawmakers reacted to the school shooting in Uvalde

Some representatives are calling for tighter gun restrictions and offering condolences to affected families.

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Hours after Uvalde school shooting, Gov. Greg Abbott attended a fundraiser...

A spokesperson for Abbott said he had previously committed to the event but all campaign-related activities are postponed until further notice.

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El Paso y Buffalo sufren crímenes de odio casi idénticos

Los crímenes de odio de El Paso y Buffalo son sorprendentemente similares. Ambos hombres armados viajaron durante horas para llegar a sus objetivos: supermercados repletos. Y ambos hombres jóvenes y...

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Los actuales funcionarios Ken Paxton y Wayne Christian ganan las primarias...

Los actuales fiscal general y comisionado de Ferrocarriles revalidaron como candidatos republicanos para las elecciones a sus respectivos cargos en noviembre.

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El empeño de Texas de prohibir la atención médica para la afirmación de...

Los padres de todo el estado siguen sin saber a diario si podrán obtener la atención que sus hijos necesitan.

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A medida que surgen más detalles sobre el tiroteo de Uvalde, aumentan los...

El pistolero que disparó y mató a 19 niños y dos adultos en una escuela primaria de Uvalde se encerró así mismo en un aula llena de alumnos de cuarto grado y comenzó a disparar, dijeron las autoridades...

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Texas has some safety requirements for public schools — but leaves most...

Texas requires schools to have emergency plans and conduct safety drills. But a lot of decisions about safety are left to school districts and charter schools.

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Texas state bar files professional misconduct lawsuit against Ken Paxton for...

Paxton had been under investigation for the complaint since 2021 and had called attempts to investigate him a ploy by “leftists” in the state bar association.

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We want to hear from parents, teachers and students about your reaction to...

At least 19 students and two adults were killed at an elementary school in Uvalde on Tuesday. If sharing is part of how you process these mass shootings, tell us about how you're feeling. How is it...

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Thanks for voting us “Best Radio Station” and "Best Radio Program"

The Austin Chronicle "Best of Austin" awards were announced last week and once again KUT 90.5 was named “Best Radio Station.” This makes KUT the second-place all-time winner with 65 wins over the years.

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Uvalde se congrega entre lágrimas y oraciones para llorar a las víctimas del...

Uvalde se congregó para llorar a los 19 niños y dos maestras que fueron asesinados el martes en la Escuela Elemental Robb.

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Expertos ven señales comunes en los primeros detalles del tiroteo en la...

Los tiroteos en escuelas tienden a ser cometidos por niños u hombres, que han sido intimidados y donde hay violencia doméstica en el hogar, dice la psicóloga social Kristin Anderson.

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Queremos escuchar a los padres, maestros y estudiantes sobre su reacción al...

Al menos 19 estudiantes y dos adultos fueron asesinados en una escuela elemental en Uvalde el martes. Si compartir es parte de cómo procesas estos tiroteos masivos, cuéntanos cómo te sientes. ¿Cómo...

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Austin holds its arm out at blood drive to honor Uvalde

Donors said they felt the need to do something after the mass shooting at the elementary school three hours away.

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