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Oil companies plan to store emissions under the Gulf of Mexico, but they want...

The idea is to capture carbon dioxide and store it in old oil and gas wells under the sea.

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Austin votes to ban no-knock warrants and decriminalize small amounts of...

Small amounts of marijuana are already effectively decriminalized in the city, but police still use no-knock warrants.

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Leander voters choose to keep Capital Metro service

The election results mean Leander will keep a commuter rail link into Austin, a commuter bus route and an on-demand minibus called Pickup. The city will also continue paying a 1% sales tax to Capital...

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Texans overwhelmingly vote to amend the state constitution on property taxes

The measures will provide limited property tax relief, but the vote comes after recent tax appraisals gave Texas homeowners sticker shock.

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How do employees unionize in a right-to-work state like Texas?

Union support is the highest it's been in decades in the U.S. We clear up a few questions about how they work in Texas.

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At least 50,000 Texans receive abortions in the state each year. Here’s a...

Most Texans who get abortions in the state are in their 20s and 30s, and the vast majority of abortions are performed 10 weeks into pregnancy or earlier. Black Texans consistently have the highest...

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Tejanos votan abrumadoramente a favor de modificar la constitución del estado...

Las medidas proporcionarán un alivio limitado de los impuestos sobre la propiedad, pero la votación se produce después de que las recientes valoraciones de los impuestos dieran a los propietarios de...

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Austin vota a favor de prohibir las órdenes de detención y despenalizar las...

Las pequeñas cantidades de marihuana ya están despenalizadas de hecho en la ciudad, pero la policía sigue utilizando órdenes de detención sin previo aviso.

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Votantes de Leander deciden mantener el servicio de Capital Metro

Los resultados de las elecciones significan que Leander mantendrá un enlace ferroviario de cercanías con Austin, una ruta de autobús de cercanías y un minibús a la carta llamado Pickup. La ciudad...

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The weather this spring is feeling 'eerily similar' to 2011, a big drought...

The prospect for spring rains is diminishing, meaning much of the state could head into a hot summer with little moisture in the ground to keep heat and drought at bay.

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Austin Energy doesn't expect more shutoffs as triple-digit heat continues...

High temperatures caused 3,600 Austin Energy customers to go without power in Southeast Austin on Saturday.

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After Leander vote secures transit service, CapMetro looks to 'win over'...

Leander voted 59% in favor of staying in the Capital Metro system and the 1% sales tax that pays for transit service.

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Texas isn’t ready to support more parents and kids in a post-Roe world,...

More than a quarter of women of childbearing age are uninsured in Texas, the highest rate in the nation, and the state has chosen to cap Medicaid benefits for new moms earlier than other states.

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Austin Energy no espera más cortes debido al calor de tres dígitos que...

Las altas temperaturas hicieron que 3,600 clientes de Austin Energy se quedaran sin electricidad en el sureste de Austin el sábado.

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El clima de esta primavera se siente "inquietantemente similar" al de 2011,...

Las perspectivas de lluvias primaverales están disminuyendo, lo que significa que gran parte del estado podría experimentar a un verano de altas temperaturas y con poca humedad en el suelo para...

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CapMetro CEO departs, leaving two Austin transit organizations without...

Randy Clarke is leaving Capital Metro to lead the transit agency in Washington, D.C.

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Gov. Greg Abbott voices clear support for school voucher program

Abbott said he supports giving parents the option to attend private school “with state funding following the student.” Such measures have failed in the Legislature in the past.

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Am I allowed to vote in the Texas primary runoffs this month? Yes, you are!

Even if you didn't vote in the March primary, you can still vote in the runoff — and your vote might have a bigger impact.

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Remembering Ron Banks, founder of The Dramatics

The singer was a founding member of the Detroit vocal group The Dramatics, which formed in the mid-1960s and continued to play for audiences around the country for years.

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U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz, John Cornyn poised to once again vote against bill to...

In February, Cruz and Cornyn voted against a similar bill that was inspired after Texas passed its abortion restriction law.

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