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Austin says it will sell city-owned property to families affected by...

The city says it's finally ready to deploy what it calls a "preference policy," where low-income residents living in gentrifying parts of town are prioritized for affordable housing.

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Bell County judge says residents could be without power for days after...

Judge David Blackburn said Tuesday's tornado left nearly two dozen people injured, but no deaths have been reported.

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Who maintains and decorates the teeny-tiny traffic median on Enfield Road?

For years, Austin resident Arnie Ramirez has passed by it on her way to jog along Shoal Creek Trail. She wanted to know the story behind it.

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Indie Meme Film Festival brings stories from South Asian filmmakers to Austin

The seventh annual festival returns to in-person screenings this year with films that touch on topics including the barriers of social caste, domestic abuse, climate change and LGBTQ+ lives.

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With proposed 100-mile trail, Austinites will be able to walk the trek to San...

The path will link Austin's Barton Springs, the Comal Springs in New Braunfels, San Marcos Springs and San Antonio Springs.

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How Mendez versus Westminster helped end legal segregation of schools in the...

Thursday is the 75th anniversary of the ruling that barred creating separate schools for “Spanish-speaking” children.

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The median sales price of a home in Austin has surpassed $600,000

The median price of $624,000 in March represents a record-high price, and a 22% increase in sales price over the past year.

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Why we can’t ‘boost’ our way out of the COVID-19 pandemic for the long term

With yet another COVID-19 booster available for vulnerable populations in the U.S., many people find themselves wondering what the end game will be.

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Eviction filings in Texas’ major cities reach new highs since pandemic began

Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth and Austin all ranked among the top 10 cities for new eviction filings in early April, among the 31 cities tracked by Eviction Lab.

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How to make cascarónes, and why the confetti-filled eggs remain a beloved...

"There were some mischievous kids and adults who put stuff in them like flour. And you never knew who was going to get that one," said a Chicano studies scholar.

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Austin dice que venderá propiedades municipales a familias afectadas por la...

La ciudad dice que por fin está preparada para desplegar lo que denomina una "política de preferencia", en la que los residentes con bajos ingresos que viven en zonas gentrificadas de la ciudad tienen...

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Families could get $1,000 a month as part of Austin's first guaranteed income...

If council members approve a contract on the pilot program Thursday, 85 families in need would start receiving monthly payments.

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Amid a teacher shortage, some Texas educators are losing their licenses for...

The policy sidelines educators, often for two school years, at a time when districts are already struggling to keep teachers in the classrooms.

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El precio medio de venta de una vivienda en Austin ha superado los $600,000

El precio medio de $624,000 en marzo representa un precio récord y un aumento del 22% en el precio de venta en el último año.

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Masks no longer required by Capital Metro or Austin's airport following court...

A federal judge ruled Monday that the federal mask mandate was unlawful. Now, travelers can ditch their masks if they choose.

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The 35th Annual Athletes in Action Super Bowl Breakfast

On this edition of In Black America, producer/host John L. Hanson Jr. presents highlights from the 35th Annual Super Bowl Breakfast, featuring the presentation of the The Bart Starr Award for...

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Capital Metro y el aeropuerto de Austin suspenden requerimiento de...

Un juez dictaminó el lunes que el mandato federal sobre las mascarillas era ilegal. Ahora, los viajeros pueden deshacerse de sus máscaras si así lo desean.

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Familias podrían recibir $1,000 al mes como parte del primer programa de...

Si los miembros del concejo aprueban el jueves un contrato sobre el programa piloto, 85 familias necesitadas empezarían a recibir pagos mensuales.

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'Hi, How Are You' concert returns for the first time since the pandemic

Inspired by the late artist Daniel Johnston, the show will feature performances from Grouplove, The Polyphonic Spree, Kate Davis and more.

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Austin Energy wants to raise its rates. Here's how you can give feedback.

Under the utility's proposal, a "typical residential" customer would see an increase of $15.56 on their monthly bills. It insists the hike is not related to last year's historic winter storm.

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