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Here are six ride-hailing companies in Austin that aren't Uber or Lyft

By offering rides exclusively in electric vehicles to transportation for kids to nonemergency trips to the doctor, each of these companies is trying to carve out a niche alongside two...

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New law named for Vanessa Guillén will revamp military investigations into...

On Monday, President Biden signed the National Defense Authorization Act, enacting provisions of the “I Am Vanessa Guillén Act.” The new law takes effect Jan. 1.

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Medical labs face understaffing and burnout as demand for COVID tests...

Experts say if labs get overrun, it could cause issues that trickle down to all parts of the health care system.

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Austin hasn't yet finalized plans to better shelter people in cold weather

The system, traditionally used to shelter people experiencing homelessness, was stretched in February when residents lost power during the freeze.

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Austin's seeing another spike in COVID cases. Medics say they're overworked.

The head of the Austin-Travis County EMS union says nearly 30 medics are out due to COVID, and others are now on-call 24 hours a day.

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Travis County commissioners tear into MoPac South toll lane project

With public comment ending Friday on six competing plans to widen MoPac south of Lady Bird Lake, county commissioners submitted a scathing critique of the project and its public input process.

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Admisiones en hospitales de Austin siguen aumentando a medida que la variante...

Salud Pública de Austin mantiene a Austin en la Etapa 4 por ahora, pero dice que la Etapa 5 es "inminente sin cambios de comportamiento demostrativos". La agencia dice que alrededor de 1 de cada 3...

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Austin ISD utilizará las pruebas COVID focalizadas para tratar de mantener...

Según esta práctica, aprobada por los CDC, toda persona expuesta al COVID se somete a pruebas en determinados momentos del periodo de incubación, en lugar de ser enviada a casa.

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“Black Austin Matters" gives voice to daily experiences of Black Austinites

“Black Austin Matters,” the latest podcast from KUT and KUTX Studios, aims to give voice to the daily experiences of Black Austinites, while deepening mutual understanding throughout the broader Austin...

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Tarrant County judge urges shots as hospitals are overwhelmed with...

“Trust your physicians. Quit reading some of this garbage on social media and the internet. Everyone needs to get that vaccine, get the booster as soon as they can get it,” says Judge Glen Whitley.

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Texas gas supply plummeted during last weekend's cold snap. That spells...

Unlike in February, the supply disruption did not translate into problems for the electric grid. But, energy experts say, it shows Texas has more work to do to safeguard its energy infrastructure...

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City urges high-risk people to avoid gatherings as Austin moves to Stage 5...

“There will come a point when schools and businesses and community centers will not be able to open their doors if we don’t do something," Austin-Travis County Health Authority Dr. Desmar Walkes said.

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Austin pasa a la fase 5 de precauciones contra el COVID, la ciudad insta a...

Las autoridades sanitarias ya habían advertido esta semana que las hospitalizaciones por COVID en la zona ya habían cruzado el umbral hacia el nivel de mayor riesgo y advirtieron que la fase 5 era...

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Where to get Rosca de Reyes in Austin to celebrate Epiphany

Many Latino bakeries in Austin have prepared Rosca de Reyes (or kings’ cake) today, which is Día de Los Reyes. In Christianity, the holiday commemorates the day the three wise men brought Jesus gifts...

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'Our democracy remains hanging by a thread,' Austin congressman says a year...

Congressman Lloyd Doggett says laws passed since 2020 that make it harder to vote pose the greatest threat to free and fair elections in the U.S.

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The life and legacy of Dr. John Hope Franklin

On this edition of In Black America, producer/host John L. Hanson Jr. presents a tribute to the late John Hope Franklin, a native of Oklahoma, alumnus of Fisk University and Harvard, and the James B....

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¿Ya tienes tu Rosca de Reyes? Aquí te decimos dónde conseguirla en Austin

Muchas panaderías latinas de Austin han preparado hoy la Rosca de Reyes en honor a la fiesta que conmemora el día en que los tres reyes magos trajeron regalos al Niño Jesús.

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Texas' six-week abortion ban goes back before a federal appeals court

Plaintiffs said it was unusual for the Fifth Circuit to hold oral arguments and that it simply needed to send the case back to the lower court.

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Texas es el segundo estado con más arrestos por la insurrección en el...

Más de 700 personas han sido detenidas y acusadas de delitos relacionados con el asalto mortal al Capitolio de Estados Unidos el 6 de enero del 2021.

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Just like hospitals, Texas’ long-term care facilities struggle to remain...

The state’s long-term care ombudsman says they’re continuing to try and get more long-term care staff fully vaccinated and boosted as patients at state’s nursing facilities remain vulnerable to the...

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