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10 events to celebrate the holidays in Austin for $20 or less

Do you feel like the holidays in Austin are getting a little expensive? Fear not, there are still plenty of low-cost events you can enjoy across the city and surrounding suburbs. Here are KUT’s...

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Last curtain call: The battle to preserve a unique dinner theatre legacy

UTEP students unite to protect a 40-year tradition.

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Un alumno de Pflugerville irá al Concurso Nacional de Deletreo en Español...

El alumno de quinto grado ganador participará en el Concurso Nacional de Deletreo en Español que se celebrará en El Paso en junio. El distrito celebra este certamen desde hace más de una década.

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Texas Legislature adjourns its fourth special session, stalling on vouchers,...

The Legislature also failed to pass election-related bills.

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Austin's shift to electric buses is plagued by vehicle glitches and supplier...

Capital Metro's electric bus plans face a setback as its primary electric bus provider, Proterra, declares bankruptcy, complicating the city's green transit goals.

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Austin ISD police officer wounded in shooting at Northeast High School

The school district said no arrests have been made.

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Pregnant woman asks Texas court for emergency abortion in new lawsuit

The woman's baby has a fatal abnormality, but under Texas law, she has not been able to access an abortion.

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Austin’s Sunshine Community Gardens provides a space for everyone to grow

Prospective gardeners — whether they are 9 or 90 — are welcomed to join.

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Dozens of deer at state facility euthanized after exposure to chronic wasting...

The Kerr Wildlife Management Area has hosted deer research for decades.

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In Black America: Unfolding the history of the first Black sheriff of...

Nathaniel Glover lays out the life events that led to his historic appointment as the first Black sheriff of Jacksonville, Fla.

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Texas State Auditor’s Office looking into Ken Paxton’s impeachment

The Texas Attorney General was acquitted of 16 articles of impeachment by the Texas Senate in September. He was accused of abusing his office to protect a political donor.

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Austin could let people build more homes on one plot of land. Here's what you...

If passed Thursday, these land code changes would let people build up to three homes where just one or two are currently allowed. It would also lower the amount of land needed to build a house,...

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'One day longer, one day stronger': Ascension Seton nurses strike a second...

The nurses' union said hundreds participated in the strike Wednesday to protest staffing levels and equipment shortages at the hospital.

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Austinites say they weren't warned of gunman in Circle C. They want to know why.

A suspect connected with six killings allegedly shot two police officers before being taken into custody near the Southwest Austin enclave. Neighbors said they had no warning to shelter in place.

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Have a question about Texas? The answer’s in the almanac

The 72nd edition of the biennial Texas Almanac, first published in the 1850s, is in stores now.

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10 eventos para celebrar las fiestas en Austin por 20 dólares o menos

¿Te parece que las fiestas en Austin se están volviendo un poco caras? No temas, todavía hay un montón de eventos de bajo costo que se pueden disfrutar en toda la ciudad y los suburbios circundantes....

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Judge grants Texas woman emergency abortion in landmark case

"The idea that Miss Cox wants desperately to be a parent and this law might actually cause her to lose that ability is shocking and would be a genuine miscarriage of justice," Travis County District...

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Austin hasn't allowed more police oversight, despite voter approval. Now it's...

The lawsuit argues that the city is violating its own ordinance by not allowing the Office of Police Oversight to access internal disciplinary files of officers.

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Una jueza concederá a una mujer de Texas un aborto de urgencia en un caso...

"La idea de que la señorita Cox quiere desesperadamente ser madre y esta ley podría realmente hacer que pierda esa capacidad es impactante y sería un verdadero error judicial", dijo la jueza de...

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Austin to allow more homes on one plot of land in the pursuit of cheaper housing

Council members voted Thursday to amend the city's land use rules, allowing developers to build up to three homes where only one or two were previously permitted.

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