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Esto es lo que debes hacer si un incendio forestal amenaza tu hogar

La hierba seca, el viento y la humedad relativamente baja hacen que el fuego se propague con facilidad y sea difícil de controlar.

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Extreme heat could spark messy mass migration out of Texas, other states

A writer argues that heat will move people in a way that other effects of climate change won’t.

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Austin pools are free and open longer this summer. Why isn't Barton Springs...

While most of the city's 45 aquatic facilities will close this weekend, 11 pools will remain open after Sunday.

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Las albercas de Austin son gratuitas y abren más este verano. ¿Por qué no...

En un principio, las albercas municipales de Austin iban a cerrar este domingo. Es una señal de que el verano está a punto de terminar - o al menos las vacaciones de verano (todavía hace calor) - y las...

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Cookie, take the wheel! What’s with all the driverless cars zooming around...

Imagine standing on a street corner in Central Austin and seeing a white car with black and red accents stop at a light. You look for the driver, but the seat is empty. The light turns green, and the...

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A 'climate feedback loop': Why Austin is locked in one of its hottest summers...

Early signs suggested it might not be that bad. Then a heat dome settled in. Here's why is got — and stayed — so hot.

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‘Angst and frustration’: Emergency rules on chronic wasting disease frustrate...

The rules are meant to help trace infected deer and slow the disease’s spread.

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'I hope that it's cathartic': Ground Floor Theatre's world premiere of 'Jenna...

This month, Ground Floor Theatre is presenting the world premiere of the new play 'Jenna & The Whale.'

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Why East Austin suffers more from this extreme heat than other neighborhoods

East Austin is home to the hottest temperatures in the city. Its residents also call EMS for heat-related health concerns more often than people in other neighborhoods.

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UT unveils plans for two hospitals on Austin campus, including MD Anderson...

The demolition of the Frank Erwin Center will make room for the new additions to the Dell Medical School campus.

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Gov. Greg Abbott declares wildfire disaster for three-fourths of Texas

At least 8,500 acres of Texas land have burned since Aug. 1. The governor’s disaster declaration allows included counties to access state resources to fight wildfires.

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Porqué East Austin sufre más este calor extremo que otros barrios

Mientras los habitantes de Austin siguen soportando una serie de días de 38 grados, algunos residentes están experimentando un calor más extremo que otros, y más problemas para su salud.

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Austin announces new water restrictions on everything from lawns to dining out

Austin has entered Stage 2 water restrictions. They will impact lawn and landscape watering, when you get a glass of water at a restaurant and how people wash their cars, among other things.

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Utility company Aqua Texas 'ignored' pumping limits in 2022, threatening...

Jacob's Well has had low flow all summer. A local groundwater conservation district believes it may be tied to a utility company pumping twice the amount of water permitted last year.

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Jeanette Abraham, president and CEO of JMA Global, Part 1

John L. Hanson Jr., speaks with Jeanette Abraham, president, and CEO of JMA Global, LLC.

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‘You have to ask for help’: San Antonio nonprofit forges community for...

Monthly classes from Reforged include a nontraditional peer-support group for veterans and first responders.

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Austin anuncia nuevas restricciones de agua para todo, desde el césped hasta...

Aunque no tengas césped, o no te molestes en regarlo, podrías notar el impacto de las nuevas normas en la vida cotidiana de Austin.

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Homeless Austinites are suffering in this heat. Advocates say we need...

Local nonprofits provide extra relief for those experiencing homelessness during heat waves. But advocates say more needs to be done year-round.

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Austin, Travis County issue disaster declaration amid wildfire threat

The declaration will help the city and county expedite the process for receiving aid.

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Austin's chief resiliency officer on the 'grim but hopeful' future of...

As we sweat through a streak of triple-digit days, Laura Patiño says the city is preparing for things to get worse. It's working on a heat resilience playbook centered on equity.

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