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KUT and “Texas Standard” newsrooms earn four national Murrow Awards for...

The KUT and “Texas Standard” newsroom earned four national Murrow awards from the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA). The awards recognize a COVID-19 vaccination tracking project, a...

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As school year approaches, administrators scramble to help short-staffed...

Few schools have been able to keep up with the recent wave of teacher resignations.

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Ageism can hit the young and old. Here's how 'othering' leads to age-based...

Showing prejudice, stereotyping, stigmatizing or discriminating on the grounds of a person's age. That's ageism. And it can actually impact people of any age, not just the elderly.

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‘The end of last year will be with us’: Are Texas schools any safer since the...

A new school year means fresh notebooks, new classmates – and in 2022, renewed preparation.

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A medida que se acerca el año escolar, los administradores se apresuran a...

Según datos de la Agencia de Educación de Texas, los profesores abandonan la profesión a un ritmo mayor que antes. Esto se debe a varios factores, como la preocupación por la seguridad, las malas...

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Austin ISD earns a 'B' rating from Texas Education Agency

TEA released school accountability ratings on Monday for the first time since 2019. Austin ISD earned a B, which is the same grade the district earned before the COVID-19 pandemic.

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An Austin school and state-of-the-art clinic unite to meet the needs of...

Dell Children’s Medical Center has built a comprehensive clinic on Rosedale School’s campus. This means most of the more than 100 students who attend can see practitioners without missing a lot of school.

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San Marcos art installation honors Indigenous culture and creation story

A new student-made art installation in San Marcos depicts the Coahuiltecan creation story and the five guardians of the San Marcos River.

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Pablo Vegas, a utility executive in Ohio, named ERCOT’s new CEO

The state power grid operator has been run by an interim chief since the previous CEO was fired following the deadly 2021 winter storm that crashed much of the grid.

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A second helping of “Tacos of Texas” podcast explores Texas taco culture

Taco journalist, food explorer and podcast host Mando Rayo has traveled across the U.S. to uncover the tastiest tacos. In season dos of the “Tacos of Texas” podcast, the James Beard nominee talks to...

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Una instalación artística de San Marcos rinde homenaje a la cultura indígena...

Una nueva instalación artística realizada por estudiantes en San Marcos representa la historia de la creación coahuilteca y los cinco guardianes del río San Marcos.

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San Marcos voters to decide on decriminalization of marijuana this November

San Marcos City Council members unanimously decided to send the measure to the ballot. If approved, the ordinance would end citations and arrests for misdemeanor possession of marijuana.

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Millions of dollars have been sent to Uvalde. Why are shooting survivors...

Millions in private donations won’t be distributed until November, says state Sen. Roland Gutierrez, whose district includes Uvalde.

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Remembering Dick Gregory

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Austin officials are deciding what property tax bills will look like. Here...

As cities, counties and school districts set their tax rates, property owners can soon expect to see their new tax bills. But this whole process is mired in jargon. We tried to break it down for you.

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Los votantes de San Marcos decidirán sobre la despenalización de la marihuana...

De ser aprobada por los votantes de San Marcos, la ordenanza pondría fin a las citaciones y detenciones por posesión de marihuana como delito menor.

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Austin man who rioted at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 pleads guilty to a felony

Authorities say Geoffrey Shough was one of the first rioters to breach a line of police at the U.S. Capitol.

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An Afghan family slowly adapts to life in Austin a year after the Taliban...

Matiullah Noori and his 29 family members are living in a South Austin apartment complex after fleeing Afghanistan last year. The refugee works night shifts so he can take his siblings to school,...

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This Texan was born in Pakistan but never heard stories about partition....

Neha Aziz’s new podcast was released on the 75th anniversary of the split between India and Pakistan.

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Parents call for action as Lake Travis ISD faces ongoing bus driver shortage

Lake Travis ISD is facing a significant bus driver shortage that prompted the district to reduce transportation services for now. During a school board meeting, several parents called on LTISD to find...

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